It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Robert Charette on February 1st, 2018 in Montreal. He was 86 years old. Bob Charette was the first Canadian to receive the Certified Value Specialist (CVS) designation from SAVE International after the CVS designation was created in 1973. Mr. Charette was also a professional quantity surveyor who was employed by Hanscomb in both project costing and Value Engineering, working throughout Canada and around the world. He is recognized by many as the "grandfather" of Value Engineering in Canada and was instrumental in spreading the knowledge of VE across Canada in both languages. Bob was the first recipient of the Value Analysis Canada Life Value Award.
Bob was also Co-Chairman of the task group that developed the ASTM UNIFORMAT II Standard Classification for Building Elements. As a part of his interest in continuing education, he has presented numerous seminars on Design Cost Analysis, Value Engineering, Life Cycle Costing, and UNIFORMAT II Applications to organizations and universities in Canada, the USA, UK, France, Greece, South Africa, and the Czech Republic. Our condolences to his family and friends. The funeral service will take place Saturday, March 3 at 1:00 at l'Église de la Résurrection at the Cemetery Notre-Dame des Neiges in Montreal.