May 2017
April Editorial 2017

In April, Value Analysis Canada held our Annual General Assembly by videoconference. A few members joined us online to hear a report from each director. Here are some of the highlights from the Assembly:

Board of Directors: Nominations were received, and a new Value Analysis Canada Board of Directors were elected for 2017, representing Ontario, Quebec and Western Canada. I will remain as your President for 2017.
Membership: a slight increase of 2 corporate members, 9 dual (SAVE-International & VAC) members, 2 individual members. The data base of members has been updated on a monthly basis.
Promotional Activities: Presentations and training about Value Analysis were given to a variety of groups, including Metrolinx, Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC, City of Calgary, and an event in Montreal. A total of over 325 persons were reached with these presentations.
Secretary: Eleven board meetings take place each year, each one is documented in minutes recorded by our Secretary who also supervised the election of a director for Western Canada. A new Board Meeting attendance policy was developed and implemented.
Website: Following our recent name change, the web address for the VA Canada website was changed and the domain migrated to A few content items remain to be updated in the web site still.
Communications: Facebook and Twitter are regularly used by many members. Don’t forget to join these groups so as not to miss anything in the world of value. Translation of the Value Methodology Associate (VMA)  exam (from SAVE) is underway so that a French language exam will be available throughout Canada for those requesting it.
President’s report: A strategy session took place in January in Toronto. The mission of Value Analysis Canada was maintained (encourage the use of VA throughout the country) with an emphasis on education and a establishing strong relationships with other value-creating methodologies. Two persons resigned from the board. Those positions, the Director of Finances and a Director-at-large position are available to be filled.

As you can see, your VA Canada Board is quite active and we are committed to do our very best to support you with services and help to use the Value Methodologies, as a user or as a practitioner.
If you would like to get involved with us, in a committee or as a volunteer, please let us know at