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Conference Archive > 2018 Conference - Value in the West
Author : Mushtaq Rabbi, Narinder Bubbar
Description : This presentation outlines the evolution, development, application, and eventual adoption of Value Management (VM) by the City of Calgary as a standard business practice to demonstrate value in capital infrastructure investments. In practice, the municipal services in the City of Calgary are delivered by 33 business units. The concept of value to citizens was and has always been there in various services.However, there was limited or no structured approach to demonstrate value for informed decision making,option selection and prioritization or for fostering a culture of innovation. For the longest period, the traditional approach to delivering municipal programs and projects was deemed suffice by various capital-intensive business units as a clear demonstration of value added activity.In this presentation, the authorsdraw from their personal and professional experience as part of this journey and will document how once a good idea has now become a mandatory requirement to demonstrate and deliver value in municipal services to the citizens of Calgary.Organizational culture and business processes have a longer lifecycle than any tangible assets. Wherever there is a resistance to change also lies a great opportunity for success. In this case, the journey took nearly7years to acknowledge the power of Value Methodology at the highest level of this public-sectororganization in Canada
Author : David Wilson, P.Eng., CVS-Life, FSAVE, CPF
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Author : Lucie Parrot, ENG. M.ENG., CVS®-LIFE, FSAVE
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Author : Gary Evans, M.Sc., MBA, Peng., PMP, AVS
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Author : Andréanna Martine, AVS
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Author : Jeff Chan, P.Eng., VMA
Description : Presentation reviews the development of VM at Enbridge from the formation of a VM team in 2016 and key takeaways on how to launch a successful VM program in a large corporate entity. Benefits of the program include increased stakeholder buy-in, a repository of ideas for future projects, improved visibility of VM program after each study, and faster resolution of design considerations.
Author : Azzeddine Oudjehane, Ph.D.
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Author : Tom Fletcher, P. Eng., CVS
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Author : Evan Hunchak, Hussien Al-Battaineh
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The imminent construction of Coopertown, a future planned community in Regina, Saskatchewan, as well as the City of Regina’s long-term growth projections, warranted study for additional wastewater servicing, including a new wastewater lift station. Existing facilities are at or near capacity, and the project scope included providing wastewater servicing for the future Coopertown community and neighbouring communities, as well as integrating the design with the city’s ultimate development plans. Two two-day Value Engineering and Risk Analysis workshops have been conducted for this project.

This presentation shows how the integration of Value Engineering-based design benefited this project. Integrating Value Engineering into a project’s design development and work plan from the beginning involves all key stakeholders and accelerates detailed designs while reducing risk and rework. Applying these principles has helped the Coopertown Lift Station project vastly increase its value and move much closer to achieving its goals.
