Author : Eric Meng, AIA, CVS
Description : What aspect of the Value management process consistently produces the most substantial results?Function analysis is the tool traditionally used to set the stage for the creative speculative phase; and it is a reliable driver for producing useful alternative concepts. But often other elements of the process, outside of the functional model should receive credit for the breakthrough concepts. This presentation highlights a half dozen Value Management studies that produced considerable project impacts ; and explores where those breakthrough concepts actually occurred in the Value management process. Highlighted projects include major water infrastructure, buildings, industrial plants, energy, and transportation projects. All of them produced ideas that were unexpected; and these ideas came from unpredictable components of the process. Team structure, risk, criteria, cost modeling, and historic reference are all elements that typically play supporting roles in function-driven VM; but in these examples they were used for creative drivers, rather than merely supporting components. VM, with a strong rigid work plan claims to produce creativity on demand – right on time during the speculative stage of the process. But many creative people outside of VM will claim that the process is often serendipitous, and cannot be controlled. These examples, however, illustrate how serendipitous creativity can in fact be recognized and used in the VM process to enhance productivity outside of the limited time often available for pure speculation in the traditional VM work plan.