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VA in Depth (Advanced VM) > Function Analysis
Author : Lucie Parrot, eng. M.eng. CVS-Life
Description : Function Analysis is a powerful tool with many uses. It is the perfect approach to identify needs and expectations and prioritize them. We don’t call it “Needs analysis” for nothing. It allows a team to identify what they want to do so a design team can identify the best solution at the best cost, creating value to stakeholders: client (user and buyer), production or construction or programming, or even sales and marketing.

This presentation demonstrates with examples the use of function analysis in various contexts: technical such as water usage optimization, administrative such as organizational development, software such as simulators, business such as portfolio management and others. In each example a needs analysis using Functional Performance Specification was completed prior to developing a solution. This resulted in each solution achieving good value.
Author : Muthiah Kasi
Description :

Function cost is a tool used in value studies to help illustrate the relationships between project elements. Interactions between elements and their perceived value are examined and then used to provide insight into cost.

Through a function cost analysis each project component (function) is identified and assigned an estimated cost. Then, these figures are compared to their perceived value. The exercise yields determinations about value mismatches, shedding light on problem areas. The primary objective of this concept is to achieve the highest user satisfaction while decreasing function costs. This powerful tool is the keystone of effective value planning.

The concept of function cost is widely recognized in theory, but lacks an abundance of documented practical examples. In this presentation, five case studies are drawn from various infrastructure design projects. A series of function cost analyses were incorporated in these projects during the planning phase, and invaluable insight was realized as a result.

The following case studies were conducted:

Case Study 1 - Value is achieved through function cost increases.
Case Study 2 - Value is achieved though reducing cost via selection of an alternate.
Case Study 3 - Value is increased through comprehensive understanding of function cost through the eyes of the client.
Case Study 4 - The perception of cost allocation is explored, with reallocation of the proper function cost elements.
Case Study 5 - Simple solution leads to decreased cost and increased value.

This presentation will walk attendees through the processes of an actual function cost exercise. The information shared here will provide an understanding of how the delicate balance between cost and user satisfaction can be managed. A variety of graphical exhibits will be presented that help explain the importance of this tool and its impact on the engineering industry.

Author : Donald Parker
Description : This paper provides a case history in facilitation using  a Value Index – Highway Function. Using a Value Index was the  leading cause of the success of a VE Workshop on a 4.3 mile highway project. The VE Team Leader who was not knowledgeable in highway design, led a study of experienced subject matter experts and overcame skepticism through the use of the Value Index.
Author : Ronald Blanchet
Description :

This presentation shows how to use the Value Analysis process to identify the needed skills on a VA or VE workshop team.

  A functional analysis to identify the needed skills at the start of the project helps to ensure that the VA team has all the necessary multidisciplinary skills.

Author : Matthew Lane
Description : Why we don't drive to Dvorák explores the benefits of FAST outside its usual applications, specifically in the domain of classical music composition. Principally, it examines how FAST (Function Analysis System Technique) stimulates creativity, and how music benefits from a function-based approach. It presents the notion that the quality of music, often shied away from as a subjective idea, can be much more objectively assessed by applying a function-based model. Using FAST, classical music can overcome some of its struggle to find new relevance, and as an audience, our listening approaches can be similarly modified or refined. The presentation discusses the inherent link between analysis and composition, other function-based precedents in musical analysis, and how FAST diagrams can help reconcile some of the divide between musical analysis and musical composition. It will take a brief look at some other musical genres and how function-analysis could or does benefit them, as well as sharing M. Lane's approach to incorporating FAST into his writing. 
Title : Value Analysis Delivers in any context (Youtube Video and PDF | 2023 | #663)
Author : Lucie Parrot, ing., CVS-life, FSAVE
Description :

Function Analysis is a powerful tool with many uses. It is the perfect approach to identify needs and expectations and prioritize them. We don’t call it “Needs analysis” for nothing. It allows a team to identify what they want to do so a design team can identify the best solution at the best cost, creating value to stakeholders: client (user and buyer), production or construction or programming, sales and marketing

This presentation (in French) shows different examples of function analysis in various contexts: technical such as water usage optimization, administrative such as organizational development, software such as simulators, business such as portfolio management and others. All those examples have in common that a good needs analysis was done prior to starting to develop a solution and was used to create value.