

Conference Sponsors

Value Analysis Canada is pleased to offer the opportunity to sponsor  Delivering Value Through Diversity. Does your organization realize the benefit from diverse teams bringing together diverse perspectives to generate alternative solutions through a value management workshop? You can help society, government and industry realize the benefit of diversity through sponsorship of the Delivering Value through Diversity symposium.  

Please consider becoming a sponsor at this year’s symposium. Fees are outlined below.

Sponsorship Level


Marketing- Corporate Exposure



Large Logo on Symposium webpage



Verbal mention at the start of the session and copy of logo on screen



Complementary VAC Business membership 2022  ($400 VALUE)



2 complimentary conference registrations ($398 value)



Medium size Logo on Symposium webpage



Verbal mention at the start of the session and copy of logo on screen



Complimentary VAC Business membership 2022  ( $400 value)



1 complementary conference registration

 ($199 value)



Medium size Logo on Symposium webpage



Verbal mention at the start of the session and copy of logo on screen



1 complementary conference registration

($199 value)